Wednesday, December 5, 2012


These past few months have FLOWN by...I feel like it was just yesterday when I
was writing on here keeping faithful to the blogging world.

But, good news..IM BACK :) 

I've had a very crazy life here recently between going home for vacations,
 working at my job, spending time with friends....
But, I will say that this season of my life has been one of the best so far!
 I am learning to be totally dependent on God and how growing with him
and growing his kingdom is more important than any other thing I will accomplish in my lifetime.
It is a concept that sometimes I cannot wrap my mind around, being one person and having so much 
impact on those around me, and that God with his grace gave me a new life that I can share with others. 

I'm sooooo excited for this new chapter in my life and
how God is going to use me in ways I cannot fathom. I know his plan for me far outweighs anything I can think or imagine. Many new things are coming up in my life and I'm soooo excited to share them all with the blogging world!!

tf4s(thankful fors)-being healthy, fresh christmas trees, family, cardigans,
cute coffee mugs, and chilly mornings. 

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