Thursday, December 6, 2012


I LOVE the holiday season...
I love the crisp mornings, I love hot cocoa,
I love driving around looking at christmas lights, setting up the tree, buying special presents for 
people I love, listening to Mariah Carey christmas as loud as I can, spending 
time wrapping presents and making holiday cookies, candle light services, 
and most importantly....the reason for the season...Jesus. Without him i
wouldn't have any of these special things, I wouldn't be at peace this time of year knowing 
the true meaning of the season.

One thing I love about december is getting the christmas tree! 
Whenever I first moved to Texas I got into the tradition with my 
sister and her little family of going to the tree farm 
and cutting down our own tree(which i had never done previously). 
I wasn't able to go with them this year but I wanted to keep the tradition.....
so me and my friends packed up the pickup in the 80degree weather and went 
to pick out a tree :) 


I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!!! Let me know what your favorites 
are this holiday season! 

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